1. Basic Concepts and Gas Laws (04 hrs)
1.1 Gas laws: Boyle's law, Charle's law,
1.2 Characteristics equation, Gas constant, Universal gas constant.
1.3 Thermodynamics, property, system open and closed),
surroundings, Heat and work, specific heat,
2. Laws of Thermodynamics and Processe (08 hrs)
- Explanation of the Zeroth law of thermodynamics.
- Explanation of First Law of Thermodynamics.
- Concept of enthalpy, internal energy, specific heat, work and
- Clausius and Kelvin Plank statements of second law of
- Concept of Entropy
- Constant Volume, Constant pressure, Isothermal, adiabatic and
polytropic processes, Throttling and free Expansion, work done under
these processes.
3. Formation of Steam and its Properties (08 hrs)
- Steam Formation Wet steam, dry steam and saturated steam; dryness fraction.
- Super heated steam; degree of super heat.
- Latent heat of vaporization
- Enthalpy of steam
- Entropy; entropy increase during evaporation.
- Temperature Entropy diagram
- Mollier Diagram ( H-S diagram)
4. Steam Generator (06 hrs)
- Uses of steam
- Classification of boilers
- Boiler mounting and accessories
- Comparison of fire tube and water tube boilers.
- Constructional features of Nestler boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
- Introduction to modern boilers
5. Power Cycles (10 hrs)
- Concept of reversibility, Carnot cycle
- Rankine cycle and its efficiency
- Brayton cycle
- Otto, Diesel and Dual Combustion cycle
6. Non Conventional Sources Of Energy (06 hrs)
6.1 Need of non conventional energy sources
6.2 Solar Energy
Sun and solar radiation
Solar constant
Solar collectors-flat plate collectors and focusing
Solar heating-solar cooker, solar power generation
Solar cooling
Industrial and agricultural application of a solar
Photo voltaic cells
Economic consideration for use of solar energy.
6.3 Other Non Conventional Energy Sources:
6.3.1 Wind Power
6.3.2 Geothermal energy
7. Elements Of Heat Transfer (06 hrs)
Stefan Boltzman's law
Simple problems of heat transfer on conduction and radiation only.