
Describe a uniform you wear (at your school or company)

by Ielts Team

Describe a uniform you wear (at your school or company)

  • When you wear it?
  • Who bought it for you?
  • What does it look like?
  • How do you feel about it?

Uniform is referred to as clothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification. Several education institutes, offices and organisations maintain a dress code of their own which is to be worn by their employees or students. Uniform provides a unique identity to an individual and uniforms have a great symbolic value. It brings a sense of discipline and belongingness among the wearers. Here I will talk about a uniform that I used to wear at school.

Well from Kindergarten to grade twelfth, I wore a blue skirt with white shirt which had our school’s logo on its pocket. Also I used to wear a blue tie with the school’s logo embroidered on it along with a red coloured belt which had another school’s logo on its buckle. The socks used to be of white colour with two blue stripes on the top. Shoes we wore to school were quite boring, which were buckled black coloured leather shoes. However, this was our uniform for summers and in winters we used to wear the same shirt, tie and belt but the skirt and socks for winters used to be grey in colour. The sweaters, jerseys and overcoats used to be red in colour embroidered with the school’s logo. On Saturdays we had to wear white skirts, red ties and white shoes. All the girls used to braid their hair with blue ribbons in summers, white ribbons on Saturdays and red ones in winters.

Boys too used to wear blue ties, white shirts, same white socks and black shoes but they had to wear blue trousers in summers and had to don white ones on Saturdays.  Boys till grade fourth had the liberty to wear either shorts or trousers. In winters they used to wear grey pants. Everyone enjoyed wearing uniforms at our school. I staunchly believe that it’s a good idea to wear a uniform to school as it brings a sense of discipline and a feeling of equality among all the students.

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