IELTS Speaking Part 1 Travel

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Travel – Sample Question Answers

by Ielts Team

Travel (Space Travel)

  1. Do you want to travel in outer space?

Yes, I would like to travel in outer space if I get an opportunity in the future. I would like to travel to the moon and see what the earth looks like from outer space.

  1. What would you do if you had the opportunity?

As I mentioned earlier I would like to land on the moon to see what the earth looks like from outer space. I would like to do space walking and experience what it feels like to walk in a no gravity zone.

  1. Do you think it’s necessary to see other planets?

I would say it’s a luxury more than a necessity for average people. However, I think it’s necessary for scientists to investigate other planets so that we have better research and understanding of what is going on around us. Lastly, it’s good for us humans to realize that Earth isn’t the only planet.

  1. When was the last time you went traveling?

The last time I went travelling was last month. We went to Chandigarh for shopping and it was a one day trip. We went in the morning and returned back at night. I went there with my parents.

  1. Do you like to travel by air?

Yes, I really like to travel by air . It’s the most comfortable mode of travel and it saves a lot of travelling time. Moreover, travelling by air is safer than other modes of travel.

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