IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sleep – Sample Question Answers

by Ielts Team


  1. How many hours do you sleep everyday?

I sleep for 7 to 8 hours everyday.  I usually go to bed at 11 pm and wake up at 7 am. I need this much sleep to feel good the next day.

  1. Is it necessary to take a nap everyday ?

No , it is not necessary to take a nap everyday . If a person has slept enough during night, they feel energetic enough to do activities and work during the day without having to take a nap.

  1. Do old people sleep a lot? Why

Yes, old people don’t actually sleep a lot but they lie down to take rest for a longer time than the individuals of other age groups. Old people do not get a sound sleep but they need rest after every few hours or else they feel tired.

  1. What time do you usually go to bed?

I usually go to bed at 11 pm during weekdays as I have to wake up early in the morning for work/college. On weekends I sleep at 12-1 am as I watch movies till late night for a change.

  1. Do you always have a good sleep?

No, I don’t always have a good sleep . Sometimes when I overthink about something or when I am stressed,then I can’t fall asleep till late night. Or sometimes when there is a lot of work to do the next day , I find it difficult to sleep on time.



take a nap : sleep for 15-30 minutes in day

Read Sample Answers of IELTS speaking Cue Cards January to April 2021 Topics
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