Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in | IELTS speaking cue cards May to August 2021

by Ielts Team

Here is an IELTS speaking topic from May 2021 to August 2021 Cue Cards with Sample Answer and Follow up questions. We hope you would like this Ielts speaking cue card topic with answers

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card

Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in
– Where it is
– How you knew it
– How often you go there
– What you do there
– And explain why you like the place

Nowadays, quiet places are very hard to find in the bustling metropolitan cities of India.
So, being an introvert, I crave for places which provide solitude and peace.
I am lucky to be living in one such place. It’s the small town of Maheshwar in Madhya Pradesh.
The town is situated on the northern banks of the sacred Narmada river and is just kilometres away from Indore, the commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh.
There is the famous Rajmata Devi Ahilyabai Ghat here, which is the most calm and serene place I have ever come across in my life.
It is just a 10 minutes walk from my house to the pious ghat..
Hence, I have known the place since birth.
It was my grandmother who introduced me to the place and taught me to meditate there.
As a result, I visit the place often and practice meditation there to re-energize and calm myself down.
Lately, I have been visiting it almost daily while returning from work and spend about 15-20 minutes there.
On weekends, I spend a couple of hours there just watching the beautiful sunset and the mystical Narmada in its full glory.
Sometimes I sit there and keep on observing the surroundings and the beautiful people around me.
I also take my books with me to read sitting at the ghat.
Plus, every Monday I perform a pooja and meditate there for an hour.
As a result, the place has become my favourite destination to spend my time at.
Also, it is the place where I spend the most time with my grandmother, whose company I cherish the most.
We stroll around the place for hours together doing pooja, talking to each other and having the time of our lives.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 :

Follow-up questions of Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in

1. Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?

I guess, yes. It is very difficult to find calm places in the cities to spend time in. The main reasons are overcrowding and the traffic in these cities. They create way too much noise leaving these cities with probably not even one quiet place for people to spend time in.

2. Why is it quieter in the countryside?

I think it’s because of the absence of unnecessary traffic and the resulting commotion. Also, the countryside is not that industrialised and is very less polluted as a result. They are also less crowded as compared to big cities.

3. Why do people go to quiet places?

People usually prefer to go to quieter places once in a while to relax and rejuvenate themselves. Further, spending time in such serene places can make our minds very calm and peaceful. This helps in improving our concentration and efficiency.

4. Why do some people not like quiet places?

I have come across many outgoing people who dislike quieter places. This is mainly because they enjoy all the fun and crowd around them. Such extroverted people crave to be among crowds and enjoy interacting with different people.

5. Compared with young people, do old people prefer to live in quiet places?

Um, yes. I think older people prefer calmer places to live. They want to spend their older days in the calm, peaceful and serene atmosphere of the countryside. Plus, the people in these places are more friendly and involved as compared to those in noisier places like big cities.

6. Do you know other quiet places?

Well, as I mentioned earlier, I reside in Maheshwar which is one of the most calm places I have been to. Moreover, the nearby temple town of Khajuraho is another place which has a very soothing and serene feel to it. It is an ancient town with a large complex full of ancient Hindu temples which are one of the best places that you can visit, if you crave peace, calmness and spirituality in your life.

7. Do you need a quiet place when you are working?

Definitely. Being an introverted person, I usually prefer to visit a quiet place to work. I find it very hard and disturbing to concentrate on my work when there is noise and disturbance all around . This in turn affects my productivity, so I usually look for a place which is quiet and comfortable to work.

8. Why do people like to spend time in quiet places?

I think people do that as everybody needs to spend some time with oneself, pondering over things and life in general. Spending some alone time and reflecting on one’s own life can give us some of the most unexpected solutions to our life’s major problems and relieve us of stress.

9. Do you know anyone who likes noise?

Of course. My sister loves to go to places which are crowded and bustling with activity round the clock. She even listens to music at quite a higher volume than other people usually do. She is quite an extrovert and hates to stay alone.

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