Talk about a beautiful city ● Where it is ● How do you know it ● What is it famous for ● Why do you think it is a beautiful city/Special points of the city
Ielts Team
Talk about a skill that takes a long time to learn ● What is the skill ● Why does it take a long time to learn ● Where/How can you learn it ● How do you feel about learning this skill
Describe something you made yourself for your friend (handmade present) ● What it was ● When did you make it ● Who you gave it to ● How did you and your r friend feel about it
Describe a place such as a park or sports ground which has developed in your city for the betterment of people
Describe a place such as a park or sports ground which has developed in your city for the betterment of people ● Where is the place ● How did you come to know about it ● What difference has it made to the people
Things you usually do well (or do regularly) for your job or study ● What are the things ● Where do you do ● When do you do
Describe a time when you found something that someone lost ● What did you find ● When did you find ● Where you found it ● How you returned it back to its owner ● How did you feel?
Describe the historical period you want to know more about ● What period do you want to know about ● Why do you want to know about it ● How do you think you can know about it
Describe a situation when you did not have enough time ● What were you trying to do when you didn’t have enough time ● Why was this task important to you ● What circumstances led to you not having sufficient time ● What did you do to improve the situation
Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up ● Who is this person? ● Where and under what circumstances did you meet him/her? ● What were the physical attributes – eg. height/hair/ eye colour/scent? ● What quality about him/her inspired you? ● How was the attitude of this person towards you and towards others
Talk about a friend or person who recently got success ● Who was the person ● When did he get success ● How you felt ● Why you think it is important