person who is very open

Follow up questions on open person | IELTS speaking part 3 questions

by Ielts Team

Follow up questions on open person

  1. Is it difficult for Indian people to express their feelings?

Yes, I think Indian people are very polite and considerate and because of that most of them don’t express their feelings easily in public. Also, I think a lot of us care about our image more than our mental peace and so we hide our feelings.

  1. Who do you think talk more? Children or grown-ups?

Of Course children, and there are two reasons for it. First, they are curious because of their age and this curiosity only gets satisfied by asking questions. Second, they are not afraid to speak their mind because they don’t care about being rude or to hurt others with their words. Adults also ignore children’s words because of their age and immaturity.

  1. What do you think is the difference between boys and girls in expressing their feelings?

I believe that girls are generally more open in expressing their feelings. Boys think they might appear weak, if they show their feelings and as a result, they try to hide them. This carries on to adult life too. Most women often complain about their husbands that they are reluctant to open up.

  1. Do you think people are more open than in the past?

I think that people are less open in the present times as people nowadays are more worried about their image and thus they try to present themselves as a perfect person. But this in turn means they hide their true feelings. Also, I think people today lay more emphasis on politeness and thus they don’t speak up if they feel something is wrong. People do not have enough time either to open up and also there are trust issues because of the surge in crime rates.

  1. Why do you think people are less open?

People are less open because they are worried and conscious about their image as well as they do not want to be judged so they like their lives and matters to be kept private. Moreover, people nowadays are busy in the rat race of earning money and do not have enough time to talk to others. Increase in crime rate has also made people suspicious and secretive which is why they are reluctant to be extremely open with others due to lack of trust.

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