IELTS Speaking Part 1 Computer – Sample Question Answers

by Ielts Team


  1. Do you use computers very much?

Yes, I use computers almost every day for my studies as well as recreational activities.

  1. When do you use a computer?

Mostly, I use a computer in the evenings after coming back from my school and tuition classes. 

  1. What do you use a computer for?

I use a computer to do my homework or school projects. Also, I like to play video games and use social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram on the computer. Sometimes, I like to watch movies on my computer too.

  1. What was your impression when you used a computer the first time?

I was in school when I first came across a computer. It was during my computer lectures and our teacher introduced us to the most astonishing man-made invention which is faster and more efficient than the man himself. I was very excited to use it and since then, wanted to own a computer of my own. 

  1. How did you learn to use a computer?

I learned to use a computer in my school as it was one of my subjects since the fifth standard. Also, I used to join supplementary computer courses during my summer breaks.  

  1. Have computers changed your life in any way (if yes, How?)?

Yes, computers have changed my life to a great extent. Earlier I used to make handwritten notes and assignments but now I use computers for the same. Also, it has made it easy to store the data and pictures in it.

  1. Are computers used much in your country?

Yes, computers have entered almost every sphere of life in my country. They are being used in schools, colleges, businesses and almost every profession. I could not think of any place or work where computers are not in use.

  1. Do you think computers are useful in everyday life (how)?

Yes, I think computers are very useful in everyday life. From personal to professional life, computers are used to keep in touch with people, to do our work more conveniently and efficiently and to perform official duties. Every person’s life today is touched with computers.

  1. Computers are now used a lot in education. What do you think of this?

Computers have proven to be beneficial in education. Children are learning computers through their schools and also, gaining practical knowledge by working on them. They make assignments and school projects using computers. This has eliminated the need for hand-written or hand-made projects and having the knowledge of operating the computers is preparing them for their future.

  1. Do you play computer games?

Yes, I have loved to play computer games since my childhood.

  1. Do you think computers are perfect now or do they still need to be improved?

I think technology keeps on evolving and changing with time. Computers that we have today are high-tech and meet all the needs of an individual. But of course, there is always a scope for improvement and innovation. So, yes, though the computers today are almost perfect, they can be improved further using artificial intelligence.

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