Unit-I: Introduction: Fluid properties, mass density, specific weight, specific volume
and Specific volume and specific gravity, surface tension, capillarity, pressure inside
a droplet and bubble due to surface tension, compressibility, viscosity, Newtonia n and
Non-Newtonian fluids, real and ideal fluids.
Unit-II: Kinematics of Fluid Flow: Steady & unsteady, uniform and non-uniform, laminar &
turbulent flows, one, two & three dimensional flows, stream lines, streak lines and path lines,
continuity equation in differential form, rotation and circulation, elementary explanation of
stream function and velocity potential, rotational and irrotational flows, free and forced
vortex flow, graphical and experimental methods of drawing flow nets.
Unit-III: Fluid Statics: Pressure-density-height relationship, gauge and absolute
pressure, simple differential and sensitive manometers, two liquid manometers,
pressure on plane and curved surfaces, centre of pressure, Buoyancy, stability of
immersed and floating bodies, determination of metacentric height, fluid masses
subjected to uniform acceleration,
Unit-IV: Dynamic of Fluid Flow: Euler`s equation of motion along a streamline and its
integration, limitation of Bernoulli’s equation, Pitot tubesturim , veneter, Orficemeter,
flow through orifices & mouth pieces, sharp crested weirs and notches, aeration of nappe.
Unit-V: Boundary layer analysis: Boundary layer thicknesses, boundary layer over a flat
plate, laminar boundary layer, and turbulent boundary layer, laminar sub -layer, smooth
and rough boundaries, local and average friction coefficient, separation and its control.
Unit-VI: Dimensional Analysis and Hydraulic Similitude: Dimensional analysis,
Buckingham theorem, important dimensionless numbers and their significance,
geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity, model studies, physical modeling,
similar and distorted models.