Section A:
Boolean algebra and Logic gates, Combinational logic blocks(Adders, Multiplexers,
Encoders, de-coder), Sequential logic blocks(Latches, Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters) Store
program control concept, Flynn’s classification of computers (SISD, MISD, MIMD);
Multilevel viewpoint of a machine: digital logic, micro architecture, ISA, operating systems,
high level language; structured organization; CPU, caches, main memory, secondary memory
units & I/O; Performance metrics; MIPS, MFLOPS.
Section B: Instruction Set Architecture:
Instruction set based classification of processors (RISC, CISC, and their comparison);
addressing modes: register, immediate, direct, indirect, indexed; Operations in the instruction
set; Arithmetic and Logical, Data Transfer, Control Flow; Instruction set formats (fixed,
variable, hybrid); Language of the machine: 8086 ; simulation using MSAM.
Section C: Basic non pipelined CPU Architecture and Memory Hierarchy & I/O
CPU Architecture types (accumulator, register, stack, memory/ register) detailed data path of
a typical register based CPU, Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle (typically 3 to 5 stage);
microinstruction sequencing, implementation of control unit, Enhancing performance with
The need for a memory hierarchy (Locality of reference principle, Memory hierarchy in
practice: Cache, main memory and secondary memory, Memory parameters: access/ cycle
time, cost per bit); Main memory (Semiconductor RAM & ROM organization, memory
expansion, Static & dynamic memory types); Cache memory (Associative & direct mapped
cache organizations.
Section D: Introduction to Parallelism and Computer Organization [80x86]:
Goals of parallelism (Exploitation of concurrency, throughput enhancement); Amdahl’s law;
Instruction level parallelism (pipelining, super scaling –basic features); Processor level
parallelism (Multiprocessor systems overview).
Instruction codes, computer register, computer instructions, timing and control, instruction
cycle, type of instructions, memory reference, register reference. I/O reference, Basics of
Logic Design, accumulator logic, Control memory, address sequencing, micro-instruction
formats, micro-program sequencer, Stack Organization, Instruction Formats, Types of
interrupts; Memory Hierarchy.