Section A: Electronic Mail and Internet:
Introduction, advantages and disadvantages, Userids, Pass words, e-mail addresses, message
components, message composition, mailer features, E-mail inner workings, E-mail
management, Mime types, Newsgroups, mailing lists, chat rooms. Introduction to networks
and internet, history, Working of Internet, Internet Congestion, internet culture, business
culture on internet. Collaborative computing & the internet. Modes of Connecting to
Internet, Internet Service Providers(ISPs), Internet address, standard address, domain name,
DNS, IP.v6.Modems and time continuum, communications software; internet tools.
Section B: World Wide Web :
Introduction, Miscellaneous Web Browser details, searching the www: Directories search
engines and meta search engines, search fundamentals, search strategies, working of the
search engines, Telnet and FTP.
Introduction to Browser, Coast-to-coast surfing, hypertext markup language, Web page
installation, Web page setup, Basics of HTML & formatting and hyperlink creation.
Using FrontPage Express, Plug-ins.
Section C: Languages:
Basic and advanced HTML, java script language, Client and Server Side Programming in
java script. Forms and data in java script, XML basics.
Introduction to Web Servers: PWS, IIS, Apache; Microsoft Personal Web Server. Accessing
& using these servers.
Section D: Privacy and security topics:
Introduction, Software Complexity, Encryption schemes, Secure Web document, Digital
Signatures, Firewalls.