Introduction:Introduction to Computer-aided design tools for digital systems. Hardware description languages; introduction to
VHDL, data objects, classes and data types, Operators, Overloading, logical operators.Types of delays Entity and Architecture
declaration. Introduction to behavioural, dataflow and structural models.
Vhdl Statements:Assignment statements, sequential statements and process, conditional statements, case statement Array and loops,
resolution functions, Packages and Libraries, concurrent statements.
Subprograms: Application of Functions and Procedures, Structural Modelling, component declaration, structural layout and generics.
Combinational Circuit Design: VHDL Models and Simulation of combinational circuits such as Multiplexers, Demultiplexers,
encoders, decoders, code converters, comparators, implementation of Boolean functions etc.
Sequential Circuits Design :VHDL Models and Simulation of Sequential Circuits Shift Registers, Counters etc.
Design Of Microcomputer :Basic components of a computer, specifications, architecture of a simple microcomputer system,
implementation of a simple microcomputer system using VHDL
Design With Cplds And Fpgas :Progr ammable logic devices : ROM, PLAs, PALs, GAL, PEEL, CPLDs and FPGA. Design
implementation using CPLDs and FPGAs