Unit I Static and Dynamic Force Analysis : Static force analysis of planer mechanisms,
dynamic force analysis including inertia and frictional forces of planer mechanisms.
Unit II Dynamics of Reciprocating Engines : engine types, indicator diagrams, gas forces,
equivalent masses, inertia forces, bearing loads in a single cylinder engine, crankshaft
torque, engine shaking forces.
Unit III Balancing of Rotating Components : static balance, dynamic balance, balancing of
rotating masses, two plane balancing, graphical and analytical methods, balancing of
rotors, balancing machines, field balancing.
Unit IV Balancing of Reciprocating Parts : Balancing of single cylinder engine, balancing of
multi cylinder; inline, radial and V type engines, firing order.
Unit V Governors : introduction, types of governors, characteristics of centrifugal governors,
gravity controlled and spring controlled centrifugal governors, hunting of centrifugal
governors, inertia governors.
Unit VI Dynamometers : types of dynamometers, Prony brake, rope brake and band brake
dynamometers, belt transmission dynamometer, torsion dynamometer, hydraulic
Unit VII Gyroscope : gyroscopes, gyroscopic forces and couples, gyroscopic stabilization, ship
stabilization, stability of four wheel and two wheel vehicles moving on curved paths.