PART A (Fundamentals of Computer and IT) (25%)
1. Introduction to Computers
Define a Computer System, Block diagram of a Computer System and its working, associated peripherals, memories, RAM, ROM, secondary storage devices, Computer Software and Hardware. (2)
2. Working Knowledge of Computer System
Introduction to the operating system, its functions and types, working knowledge of GUI based operating system, introduction to word processors and its features, creating, editing, printing and saving documents, spell check, mail merge, creating power point presentations, creating spreadsheets and simple graphs, evolution of Internet and its applications and services. (3)
3. Problem Solving & Program Planning
Need for problem solving and planning a program; program design tools - algorithms, flow charts, and pseudocode; illustrative examples. (2) PART B (Basics of Programming Using C++) (75%)
4. Overview of C++ Language
Introduction to C++ language, structure of a C++ program, concepts of compiling and linking, IDE and its features; Basic terminology - Character set, tokens, identifiers, keywords, fundamental data types, literal and symbolic constants, declaring variables, initializing variables, type modifiers. (3)
5. Operators and expressions
Operators in C++, precedence and associativity of operators, expressions and their evaluation, type conversions. (2)
6. Beginning with C++ program
Input/output using extraction (>>) and insertion (<<) operators, writing simple C++ programs, comments in C++, stages of program execution. (4)
7. Control Structures
Decision-making statements: if, nested if, if - else. Else if ladder, switch, Loops and iteration: while loop, for loop, do - while loop, nesting of loops, break statement, continue statement, goto statement, use of control structures through illustrative programming examples. (4)
8. Functions
Advantages of using functions, the structure of a function, declaring and defining functions, return statement, formal and actual arguments, const argument, default arguments, the concept of the reference variable, call by value, call by reference, library functions, recursion, storage classes. Use of functions through illustrative programming examples. (4)
9. Arrays and Strings
Declaration of arrays, initialization of array, accessing elements of array, I/O of arrays, passing arrays as arguments to a function, multidimensional arrays. String as array of characters, initializing string variables, I / O of strings, string manipulation functions (strlen, strcat, strcpy, strcmp), passing strings to a function. Use of arrays and strings through illustrative programming examples. (4)
10. Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
Introduction to Classes, Objects, Data abstraction, Data encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. (2)
11. Classes and Objects
Defining classes and declaring objects, public and private keywords, constructors and destructors, defining member functions inside and outside of a class, accessing members of a class, friend function. Use of classes and objects through illustrative programming examples. (4)
12. Basics of File Handling
Opening, reading, and writing of files, error handling during files operation. (2)