Simple, Compound Stresses and Strains: Stress and Strain and their types, Hook’s law,
longitudinal and lateral strain, Poisson’s ratio, stress-strain diagram for ductile and brittle
materials, Stress in a bar, Analysis of bars of varying sections, composite section, elastic
constants and their significance, Temperature stress and strain calculation due to axial load and
variation of temperature in single and compound bars. Two dimensional stress system, stress at
a point on a plane, principal stresses and principal planes, Mohr’s circle of stress.
Bending Moment (B.M) and Shear Force (S.F) Diagrams: S.F and B.M definitions; relation
between load, shear force and bending moment; B.M and S.F diagrams for cantilevers, simply
supported beams with or without overhangs, and calculation of maximum B.M and S.F and the
point of contra flexure under the following loads:
a) Concentrated loads
b) Uniformity distributed loads over the whole span or part of span
c) Combination of concentrated and uniformly distributed load
Bending Stresses In Beams: Pure Bending or simple bending, Neutral axis and moment of
resistance, Assumptions in the simple bending theory; derivation of formula and its application
to beams of rectangular and circular section. Section modulus, section modulus for circular and
rectangular section beam, combined direct and bending stresses, bending stress of composite /
flitched beams.
Shear stresses in beams: Shear stress at a section, Shear stress distribution in rectangular and
circular sections.
Torsion: Derivation of torsion equation, assumptions and its application to the hollow and solid
circular shafts, Torsional rigidity, Power transmitted by the shaft, Modulus of rupture,
comparison of solid and hollow shafts, principal stress and maximum shear stresses under
combined loading of bending and torsion of circular shaft.
Columns and struts: Introduction, failure of columns, Euler’s formula and assumptions,
different end conditions, Limitations of Euler’s formula. Rankine-Gordon’s formula.
Theories of failure: Strain energy in tension, compression, shear, bending and torsion
Maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum principal strain
theory, total strain energy theory, shear strain energy theory. Graphical representation and
derivation of equation for these theories and their application to problems related to two
dimensional stress systems.
Thin cylinders: Calculation of Hoop stress, longitudinal stress in a thin cylinder, effect of internal
pressure on the change in diameter, length and internal volume.