1. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY: Beneficial uses of water, water demand, per capita demand, variation in demand; causes, detection and prevention of wastage of water, population forecasting.
2. SOURCES OF WATER SUPPLY: Surface and underground sources, relation and development of source in r/o quality and quantity of water, Development of wells, Storage reservoir-balancing and service storage, capacity determination by mass curve method. Intake and transmission system distribution systems: network design.
3. QUALITIY AND EXAMINATION OF WATER: Necessity for examination of water impurities in water, sampling of water, physical, chemical and bacteriological quality for domestic water supply. Drinking water quality standards and criteria.
4. WATER SUPPLY AND DRAINAGE OF BUILDINGS: System of water supply houses connections, matering, internal distribution, and sanitary fittings pipe joints, Different types of pipes and pipes materials.
5. WATER TREATMENT: Unit operations in water treatment screening, sedimentation, and its theory sedimentation aided with coagulation, flocculation, sand filtration-slow, rapid, gravity and pressure filters, Disinfecting, Necessary: requirements of disinfectant, methods, of disinfecting different practices of chlorinating.
6. MISCELLANEOUS METHODS OF WATER TREATMENT: Aeration, taste and odour control iron and manganese removal water softening processes Base exchange process, Swimming pool water Treatment