Unit I (12 Hrs.)
Developing Reading Skills: identify the purpose of reading, factors effecting reading, learning how to think and
read, developing effective reading habits, reading tactics and strategies: training eye and training mind,
Recognizing a broad range of thought patterns in reading selections, reading and interpreting visuals, making
inferences, recognizing facts and opinions.
Unit II (12 Hrs.)
Developing Listening Skills: importance, purpose of listening, art of listening, factors affecting listening,
components of effective listening, process of listening, principles and barriers to listening, activities to improve
Unit III (12 Hrs.)
Developing Writing skills: planning, drafting, revision, editing, paragraph writing, precis making. Letter
Writing: Inter-office memorandums, notice, advertisement, faxes, e-mails, sales letters, request letters, order
letters, good news and bad news letters. Resume Writing: planning, organinsing contents, layout, guidelines for
good resume Report Writing: structure, types, formats, drafting of various types of report.
Unit IV (12 Hrs.)
Developing speaking skills advantages and disadvantages, Conversation as communication, extempore,
speaking, art of public speaking, Meetings preparations , Group communication through committees, conference
and other formal communication with public at large, seminar, symposia and conferences, Ambiguity
avoidance. Group Discussion- Nature, uses and importance, guidelines for GD. Presentations: Four P‟s of
presentation, structuring, rehearsing, and delivery methods, effective Presentations. Interviews: Preparation
techniques, frequently asked questions, projecting a positive image