Previous year question paper for JAVA (BSC-IT 4th)

Core java in programming

Previous year question paper with solutions for Core java in programming from 2012 to 2018

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Core java in programming from 2012 to 2018. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our JAVA question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.


Paradigm; Basic Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (Objects and Classes, Data

abstraction and encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Message

communication); Benefits of OOP; Applications of OOP.

JAVA EVOLUTION :- Java History; Java Features (Compiled and interpreted,


and portable, Object-oriented, Robust and secure, Distributed, Simple, small and

familiar, Multithreaded and interactive, High performance, Dynamic and extensible); How Java

Differs from C and C++ (Java and C, Java and C++); Java and Internet, Java and World Wide

Web, Web Browsers (Hot Java, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer); Hardware and Software

Requirements; Java Support Systems, Java Environment (Java development kit, Java standard


OVERVIEW OF JAVA LANGUAGE :- Introduction; Simple Java Program (Class declaration,

Opening brace, The main line, The output line); More of Java (Use of math functions,

Comments); An application with Two Classes; Java Program Structure (Documentation section,

Package statement, Import statements, Interface statements, Class definitions, Main method

class); Java Tokens (Java character set, Keywords, Identifiers, Literals, Operators, Separators);

Java Statements; Implementing a Java Program (Creating the program, Compiling the program,

Running the program, Machine neutral); Java Virtual Machine; Command Line Arguments;

Programming Style.

CONSTANTS, VARIABLES AND DATA TYPES :- Introduction; Constants (Integer constants,

Real constants, Single character constants, String constants, Backlash character constants);

Variables; Data Types (Integer types, Floating point type, Character type, Boolean type);

Declaration of Variables; Giving Values to Variables (Assignment statement, Read statement);

Scope of Variable; Symbolic Constants (Modifiability, Understandability); Type Casting

(Automatic conversion); Getting Values of Variables; Standard Default Values.

OPERATORS AND EXPRESSIONS :- Introduction; Arithmetic Operators (Integer arithmetic ,

Real arithmetic, Mixed-mode arithmetic); Relational Operators; Logical Operators; Assignment

Operators; Increment and Decrement Operators; Conditional Operators; Bit-wise Operators;

Special Operators (instance of operator, Dot operator); Arithmetic Expressions; Evaluation of

Expressions; Precedence of Arithmetic Operator; Type Conversions in Expressions (Automatic

type conversion, Casting a value); Operator Precedence and Associativity; Mathematical


DECISION MAKING AND BRANCHING :- Introduction; Decision Making with if Statement;

Simple if Statement; The if…..else Statement; Nesting of if…..else Statements; The else if

Ladder; The switch statement; The ?: Operator.

DECISION MAKING AND LOOPING :- Introduction; The while Statement; The do Statement;

The for Statement (Additional features of for loop, Nesting of for loops); Jumps in Loops (Jumping

out of a loop, Skipping a part of a loop); Labeled Loops.

CLASSES, OBJECTS AND METHODS :- Introduction; Defining a Class; Adding Variables;

Adding Variables; Adding Methods; Creating Objects; Accessing Class Members; Constructors;

Methods Overloading; Static Members; Nesting of Methods; Inheritance: Extending a Class

(Defining a subclass, Subclass constructor, Multilevel inheritance, Hierarchical inheritance);

Overriding Methods; Final Variables and Methods; Final Classes; Finalizer Methods; Abstract

Methods and Classes; Visibility Control (public access, friendly access, protected access, private

access, private protected access, Rules of Thumb).

ARRAYS , STRINGS AND VECTORS :- Arrays; One-Dimensional Arrays; Creating an Array

(Declaration of arrays, Creation of arrays, Initialization of arrays, Array length); Two-Dimensional

Arrays (Variable size arrays); Strings (String arrays, String methods, StringBuffer class);

Vectors; Wrapper Classes.

INTERFACES: Introduction; Defining Interfaces; Extending Interfaces; Implementing Interfaces;

Accessing Interface Variables.

PACKAGES: Introduction; System Packages; Using System Packages; Naming Conventions;

Creating Packages; Accessing a Package; Using a Package; Adding a Class to a Package;

Hiding Classes.

MANAGING ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS :- Introduction; Types of Errors (Compile-time error,

Run-time error); Exceptions; Syntax of Exception Handling Code; Multiple Catch Statements;

Using finally Statement; Throwing Our Own Exceptions; Using Exceptions for Debugging.

APPLET PROGRAMMING :- Introduction; How Applets Differ from Applications; Preparing to

Write Applets; Building Applet Code; Applet Life Cycle (Initialization state, Running State, Idle or

stopped state, Dead state, Display state); Creating an Executable Applet; Designing a Web Page

(Comment Section, Head Section, Body Section); Applet Tag; Adding Applet to HTML File;

Running the Applet; More About Applet Tag; Passing Parameters to Applets; Aligning the

Display; More about HTML Tags; Displaying Numerical Values; Getting Input from the User

(Program analysis).

GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING :- Introduction; The Graphics Class; Lines and Rectangles;

Circles and Ellipses; Drawing Arcs; Drawing Polygons; Line Graphs; Using Control Loops in

Applets; Drawing Bar Charts.
