Introduction to Electronic Commerce, Potential benefits & limitations of E-Commerce, Traditional
Commercevs. E-Commercevs M-Commerce, Different E-Commerce Models(B2B,B2C,C2C,P2P), E-Commerce
applications, Social Networks, Auctions & Portals, Legal and Ethical issues in E-Commerce. Introduction to
Electronic Data Interchange, Types of EDI, Benefits of EDI, Overview of Electronic Payment system, Types of
Electronic payment schemes(Credit cards, Debit cards, Smartcards, Internet banking), Issues in Electronic
payment systems
Web Based Marketing and Communications: Online Advertising, E-Mail Marketing, Online Catalogs, Social
Marketing and Targeted Marketing, Techniques and Strategies WWW concepts, Client/Server Computing,
Web Servers and Clients, Web Browsers, Protocols and Ports, IP Address, Domains &DNS, URL, A Systematic
approach to Website creation, Creating interactive and dynamic web pages, Factors in E-Commerce Website
design, Web and Database integration, Website Optimization strategies E-Commerce security, threats,
managing security issues through internet security protocols and standards, and Firewall.
HTML5:Introduction to HTML5, New features in HTML5, API, HTML 5 documents, HTML 5tags: text
formatting, text styles, Lists(ordered and unordered), adding graphics to HTML 5 page, creating tables,
linking documents, images as hyperlinks, forms, frames. CSS3:Introduction, consistent web designing using
CSS3, Introduction to Bootstrap-forms, grids, tables, Images
Java Script: Introduction: features, advantages, operators, data types, statements, control statements.
writing java script into HTML5. documents, forms, functions, objects, clients ide inter active webpage
design, input validation, event handling, database connectivity. DOM: document, elements, attributes,