Previous year question paper for HS (BA/BSC 2nd)

Home Science

Previous year question paper with solutions for Home Science from 2016 to 2019

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Home Science from 2016 to 2019. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our HS question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

Section A

I. Resources

(a) Introduction

(b) Classification

II. Time Management

(a) Steps in making time plans.

(b) Tools in time management- peak loads, work curves and rest periods.

 III. Money Management

(a) Types of Income

(b) Budget- Types, Advantages and limitations of budgeting, factors affecting budget, basic steps in

planning of budget.

 (c) Means of supplementing family income.

IV. Energy Management

(a) Fatigue – Types, Symptoms & Effects.

(b) Work Simplification (Mundel)

Section B

V. Furniture

(a) Factors affecting selection of furniture.

(b) Furniture requirement and arrangement for different rooms.

(1) Master Bedroom

(2) Drawing Room

(3) Dining Room

(4) Children’s Room

VI. Flower Arrangement

(a) Definition and Types

(b) Principles of art in flower arrangement

(c) Material and Essential equipment used in Flower Arrangement.

Section C

VII. The Home maker as a Consumer

 (a) Concept and objectives of Consumer Education.

 (b) Rights and responsibilities of a Consumer.

 (c) Malpractices in the production of consumer goods.

 (d) Consumer guides- Standardized marks, labels, packaging, media and consumer redressal forum.

VII. Health Education

(a) Aims and Objectives

(b) Scope

 (c) Importance

Section D

IX. Digestive System

(a) Diagram of Alimentary Canal

(b) Functions of mouth, stomach, intestines (Small and Large)

(c) Digestion of Carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

X. Simple first aid for burns, poisoning, electric shock, bleeding, drowning, fainting, fractures, insect bite, snake bite, nose bleeding, sunstroke, sprain, heart attack. 
