Radiative transitions, selection rules and life times,
Spectrum of hydrogen atom.
Normal Neeman effect and experiment, Degeneracy of H-atom energy levels, fine structure, Electron angular momentum, Larmor’s frequency, electron spin angular momentum, Exclusive principle, Stern-Gerlach experiment, spin-orbit coupling, electron magnetic moment, total angular momentum, Hyperfine structure, examples of one electron systems, Anomalous Zeeman effect, Lande-g factor (sodium D-lines). PaschenBack Effect, Stark Effect.
Symmetric and Antisymmetric wave functions, exclusion principle, Many electron atoms, Slater determinant, Electronic configurations, Hund’s rule, Spin-Orbit coupling, L-S coupling, J-J couplings, term symbols. Atomic spectra of H, Na, He and Hg, selection rules.
X-ray spectra, nomenclature, Selection rules, Mosley law, Auger effect.
Molecular bonding, H2 + ion and H2 molecules, Complex molecules, molecular spectra, selection rules, symmetric structures, rotational vibrational levels and spectra of diatomic molecules,vibration-rotation spectra, electronic spectra of molecules, Franck Condon principle, fluorescence and phosphorescence, Raman Effect, Magnetic resonance experiments.