1. Computer Organisation: Evolution of Computers, Stored program concept and on Neumann Architecture, Information representation and codes, Combinatorial
Blocks: Gates, Multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders, Sequential Building blocks: Flip Flops, Registers, Counters, Arithmetic algorithms: Addition and subtraction for signed magnitude and 2's complement numbers, integer multiplication using shift and add, Booth's algorithms, Integer and floating point representation.
2. Architecture of a Simple Processor : An instruction set, Addressing Modes, Instruction formats, Instruction execution in terms of Microinstructions, Concept of interrupt and simple I/O organisation, I/O organization : Strobe-based and Handshake based communication, Vector and priority interrupts, DMA-based data transfer; CPU organisation with large registers, Stacks and handling of interrupts and subroutines. The concept of Bus, data movement among registers, data movement from/to memory.
3. Memory Organisation : RAM, Basic cell of static and dynamic RAM, Building large memories using chips, Associative memory, Cache memory organisation, Virtual memory organisation. Assembly Language Programming: Machine and assembly language, Pseudo operations, subroutines in assembly language, assembly language programs:-To add/subtract two numbers, Program input/output one character, Program to demonstrate the use of subroutines. RegisterTransfer Language and micro-operations; Language to represent conditional data transfer, Arithmetic and logical operations along with register transfer.
4. System Maintenance, Physical Inspection of a PC and internal cards, Diagnostics on a PC, Functional description of various modules and cards. PCDoctor, Norton, Symantec, Steps of Diagnostics. Viruses, Types of viruses. Detection, Protection and Cure of Viruses on a PC.