Previous year question paper for CO (BCA 6th)

Computer Organisation

Previous year question paper with solutions for Computer Organisation from 2017 to 2021

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Computer Organisation from 2017 to 2021. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our CO question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.


1. Computer Organisation: Evolution of Computers, Stored program concept and on Neumann Architecture, Information representation and codes, Combinatorial

Blocks: Gates, Multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders, Sequential Building blocks: Flip Flops, Registers, Counters, Arithmetic algorithms: Addition and subtraction for signed magnitude and 2's complement numbers, integer multiplication using shift and add, Booth's algorithms, Integer and floating point representation.


2. Architecture of a Simple Processor : An instruction set, Addressing Modes, Instruction formats, Instruction execution in terms of Microinstructions, Concept of interrupt and simple I/O organisation, I/O organization : Strobe-based and Handshake based communication, Vector and priority interrupts, DMA-based data transfer; CPU organisation with large registers, Stacks and handling of interrupts and subroutines. The concept of Bus, data movement among registers, data movement from/to memory.


3. Memory Organisation : RAM, Basic cell of static and dynamic RAM, Building large memories using chips, Associative memory, Cache memory organisation, Virtual memory organisation. Assembly Language Programming: Machine and assembly language, Pseudo operations, subroutines in assembly language, assembly language programs:-To add/subtract two numbers, Program input/output one character, Program to demonstrate the use of subroutines. RegisterTransfer Language and micro-operations; Language to represent conditional data transfer, Arithmetic and logical operations along with register transfer.


4. System Maintenance, Physical Inspection of a PC and internal cards, Diagnostics on a PC, Functional description of various modules and cards. PCDoctor, Norton, Symantec, Steps of Diagnostics. Viruses, Types of viruses. Detection, Protection and Cure of Viruses on a PC.

