1. Review of forms in HTML, Introduction to cascading style sheets (CSS), defining and applying CSS.
JavaScript: Features, tokens, data types, variables, operations, control structs, likes, strings arrays, functions, core language, objects, client side objects, event handling.
Applications related to client-side form validation.
2. Fundamentals of Java: Java Vs. C++, Byte Code, Java virtual machine, constants, variables, data types, operators, expressions, control structures, defining the class, creating objects, accessing class members, constructions, method overloading. String handling.
Inheritance: Basics, member access, using super to call superclass constructors, creating a multi-level hierarchy, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, using abstract classes, using Final.
3. Packages and Interfaces: Defining a package, understanding CLASSPATH, Access protection: Importing packages, Interfaces, Defining an Interface, Implementing Interfaces, Applying Interfaces, Variables in Interfaces. Exception Handling: Fundamentals, Exception types, Using Try and Catch, Multiple Try and Catch clauses, Nested Try statements, Built-in exceptions.
4. Multi-threaded Programming: The Java Thread model, Thread priorities, Synchronizations, Messaging. The thread class and runnable interface, The Main Thread: Creating a Thread, Implementing Runnable, Extending Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Thread Priorities; Synchronizations: Methods, Statements, Inter-Thread Communication, Deadlock, Suspending, Resuming and Stopping Threads.
I/O Applets: I/O Basics: Streams, The predefined streams; Reading console I/ P, Writing console O/P. The print writer class; Reading and Writing files. Applet fundamentals, Using AWT controls: AWT Classes, Adding and Removing Controls, Responding to Controls, Controls and their classes, Graphics and Text, Layout Managers: Understanding Layout Manager, FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout, CardLayout. Menus, Event handling: Two Event Handling Mechanisms, Delegation Event Model (Events, Event Sources, Event Classes, Event Listeners, Sources of Events, Event Listener Interfaces, Handling Mouse and Keyboard Events.