Wages : Meaning, Types, Marginal Productivity Theory of Wages, Modern Theory of Wages.
Rent: Meaning ,Types, Ricardian Theory of Rent, Modern Theory of Rent, Quasi- Rent.
Interest: Meaning, Types, Classical Theory of Interest, Neo-Classical Theory of Interest,
Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest.
Profits: Nature, Types, Dynamic Theory of Profits, Innovation Theory of Profits, Risks Bearing
Theory of Profit, Uncertainty Bearing Theory of Profits.
National Income: Meaning, Concepts of National Income, Measurement of National Income,
Difficulties in Its Measurements, Its Significance.
Say’s Law of Market: Meaning, Implications,
Classical Theory of Income Output and Employment:
Keynesian Theory of Employment.
Effective Demand: Determination, Importance
Consumption Function: Meaning, Factors Influencing Consumption Function, Average and
Marginal Propensities to Consume, Propensity to Save, Psychological Law of Consumption and
its Importance.
Marginal Efficiency of Capital: Meaning, Determinants, Theory of Secular Stagnation.
Investment: Meaning, Types, Factors Affecting Investment, Importance of Investment, Measures
to Raise Private Investment.
Multiplier: Meaning, Keynesian Income or Investment Multiplier, Leakages, Uses, Limitations
of Multiplier, Multiplier and Under-Developed Countries.