Operations Research: Evolution, methodology and role in decision making; Linear programming: Meaning, assumptions, advantages, scope and limitations: Formulation of Problem and its solution by graphical and simplex methods (Including Big M Method and Two Phase Simplex Method); special cases in simplex method; infeasibility, degeneracy, unboundedness and multiple optimal solutions; duality. Dual Simplex Method.
Transportation problems including transshipment problems; Special cases in transportation problems; unbalanced problems, degeneracy; maximization objective and multiple optimal solutions; assignment problems including travelling salesman’s problem. Special cases in assignment problems; unbalanced problems, maximization objective and multiple optimal solutions.
PERT/CPM: Difference between PERT and CPM, network construction, calculating EST, EFT, LST, LFT and floats, probability considerations in PERT, time cost trade-off. Decision theory: decision making under uncertainty and risk, Bayesian analysis, decision trees. Replacement problem (Individual and Group replacement problems both).
Game theory, pure and mixed strategy games; a principle of dominance; two people zero sum game; Queuing theory: concept, assumptions and applications; analysis of queue system, Poisson distributed arrivals and exponentially distributed service time model (MMI and MMK); simulation; meaning, process, advantages, limitations and applications.