Previous year question paper for RMC (MCOM 2nd)

Research Methodology in Commerce

Previous year question paper with solutions for Research Methodology in Commerce from 2016 to 2021

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Research Methodology in Commerce from 2016 to 2021. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our RMC question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.


Introduction: - Meaning of the Research – Qualities of a research worker – Scientific Method – Definition – stages of scientific study – Different steps in scientific study – Logical Methods – Inductive & Deductive Methods – Nature of the Phenomena & the use of the scientific methods. Approach to a Research Project :- Purpose of Research – Functions in Research – Research Programme – Problem solving through research /financial aspects of research – Research Design ( Selective topic, Coverage, Hypothesis) – Sources of Information – Nature of study – Definition of terms – Techniques of study – Collection, Analysis & presentation of the data – Testing hypothesis – Stating results.


Use of the Library: - Finding the correct sources of information – Uses of books, periodicals & encyclopedia – Taking down notes – Collection & organization of Material. Research Method :- Sampling Method – Observation Method – Case Study Method – Interview Method – Survey Method – Experimental Method – Questionnaire Method - Library Method – Documentary Method – Suitable Combination & Selection of Method – advantages, disadvantages & limitations of methods.


Presentation of Information:-Analysis of information – Classification, tabulation & interpretation – Presentation of data & its application – Pictorial presentation – Composition of information (quotation, footnotes, bibliography - tables, standards, abbreviations) - style of writing. Coordinating contents :- Front matter (blank sheet, title page, dedication, preface, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, list of appendices etc. ) – Text proper Chapter wise information ) – Back matter ( appendices, glossary, bibliography, index, blank sheet)


Multivariate analysis – an overview of dependence and interdependence methods (multiple regression, discriminate analysis, conjoint analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis); research report; ingredients and constructions of research report – procedure of preparation of reference and bibliography. Research Findings and Preparation and writing of a Research Report: - Benefits of implementation of actual research findings – carrying forward the studies – Management of research unit – Preparation and writing of a ‘Research Report’.
