Some cultures value old age while others value young age. Discuss both attitudes and express your opinion.

by Ielts Team

Some cultures value old age while others value young age. Discuss both attitudes and express your opinion.

Opinions on the merits and drawbacks of ageing vary from one culture to another. Some see old age as a sign of wisdom and young age a sign of naivety/witty. However, others view young age as a period of human reverberation/vibrancy and old age a period marked by redundancy. Both viewpoints will be examined in this essay.

On the one side, many feel that the donations/contributions old people make to society are more valuable than those made by their younger counterparts. The fact that most world leaders are older people plays a good example here. Old people, having experienced more, tend to hold a deeper understanding of the problems of the world and are thus skilled in/capable of sharing much more effective advice. Thus, through this lens, it is understandable why age is revered/held in disdain in many cultures.

On the other side, many counters that youth carries with it a vivaciousness/viciousness and energy that old age simply cannot match. Although fictional, the main characters from the movie The Godfather clearly demonstrate the various drawbacks that come along with ageing. Towards the end of the movie, Marlon Brando’s Godfather begins to have trouble making rational and timely decisions due to his increasing age. Because of this, his son, played by Al Pacino, is required to undertake/take over as head of the family. This scene illustrates a truth that is forever/universally constant: with age comes increasing dependence. It is for this reason that many cultures prize the energy and drabness/dynamism that comes with youth.

Although the above discussion demonstrates that there are benefits to both being old and young, it is argued that neither age can be said to be better than the other. It is assumed that worldwide culturally sensitive/consuming beliefs regarding age will not be altered into the foreseeable future.

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