Some organisations believe that their employees should dress smartly. Other value quality of work above appearance.

by Ielts Team

Some organisations believe that their employees should dress smartly. Other value quality of work above appearance. Discuss both these views and give your own opinions.

In the modern world, dressing sense is an important extrinsic factor to determine the worth of a person. Similarly, at the workplace, many employers link the company’s status with the appearance of the employees, however, others believe in the caliber of the employees and how beneficial they are to the company. This essay discusses the topic from both aspects.  

Organizations that believe in hiring smart-looking workers think that the people who look smart work smart. It is true to some extent because the well-dressed person sounds more professional, active, and energetic than the ones who do not dress up decently as they appear lethargic and clumsy. Especially these days, companies are quite picky when they hire marketing professionals as they have to deal with different people every day so they reflect the image of the company through their attire. Formal business outfit delivers a positive and strong impression to the customers and clients, eventually increasing the chances of securing a deal. 

On the other hand, many companies have the perception of not judging the book by its cover, for them quality of work and skills possessed by an employee make the difference. They are more result-oriented, therefore do not get influenced by the looks of the employees but yearn for innovation, good interpersonal skills, and problem-solving abilities in the employee. Such kind of employees deliver the best possible results and help significantly in the growth of the company.     

In conclusion, I believe that work quality has the edge over the appearance of the workers when it comes to the bottom lines of the company.  However, in certain fields, elegant dressing sense matters as well, along with the professional etiquettes such as fashion designing, marketing, and so on.

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