Nowadays, more people move away from their friends and families for work. Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?

by Ielts Team

Nowadays, more people move away from their friends and families for work. Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?

It has become increasingly common among individuals to leave their family and friends for their career prospects. Sometimes people go to far away places within the country while sometimes they move abroad. In my opinion, this development has more advantages than its disadvantages.

There are a plethora of merits for the individual, as well as, his loved ones when he decides to go to another place for a job. Primarily, none leaves his kith and kin for a handful of advantages. Therefore, it is obvious that folks who decide to move away from their homeland for work, anticipate better employment opportunities and higher salaries. Ultimately, they can uplift the economic status and living standards of the family with their earnings. Most importantly, at a better place, one can embrace better infrastructure, health, and recreational facilities. Along with this, when a person lives alone, it inculcates a sense of independence in him while paying bills, shopping grocery, cleaning home, and preparing meals by himself. Most Importantly, nowadays, it is seen that when a person stays away from the home, it reinforces his bond with the family and friends.

There are few disadvantages of this development as well. First and foremost is the nostalgia of the home and loved ones. Secondly, it is really a task for a person to adjust to the new people, language, food and cultural trends. In short, unfamiliarity in everything challenges the person’s emotional as well as physical well-being.

In conclusion, despite few drawbacks, the benefits of living far away for work purposes are faster and farther. It strengthens the relationship between the individual and family. Also, it is intrinsically rewarding to work in a better city or a country.

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