watching movie

Describe a film you would like to share with your friends | IELTS Cue Card 2020

by Ielts Team

Describe a film you would like to share with your friends

  • Where you watched it
  • What it was about
  • Who you watched it with
  • Why you want to share it with friends


All my friends and family members call me a movie buff as I love watching movies of all genres. I try watching at least two movies in a week because movies are a good stress buster. There are plenty of movies which I liked such as Gods must be crazy, andaz apna apna, The hangover, bridesmaids and many more. Here I will talk about one which I would like to share with my friends.

Its name is Shaun of the Dead. The cast includes many renowned names like Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright.  The character of Shaun is played by Simon Pegg. Shaun is a salesman whose life has no direction. However, his uneventful life takes a sudden turn when he has to single handedly deal with an entire community of zombies.

I watched this movie with my nephew in 2014, he was quite young when we watched it. Despite being a zombie movie we both enjoyed it because it was funny and he did not feel scared at all, thus we both enjoyed it immensely.

In the movie, along with friend Ed, played by Nick Frost, Shaun is caught unaware by the zombie apocalypse; they attempt to take refuge in a local pub named Winchester with all their loved ones.

The movie is full of funny twists and turns as in the beginning, Shaun and Ed are pretty slow to notice the zombie apocalypse until they encounter two zombies in their garden, whom they beat to death with a shovel and cricket bat. Shaun and Ed devise a plan to rescue Shaun’s girlfriend Liz and Shaun’s mother Barbara, and then wait out the crisis in Winchester. They escape in Pete’s car who is Shaun’s flatmate and pick up Barbara and Shaun’s stepfather Philip, who has already been bitten.

The group abandon the car and sneak through their London neighbourhood, running into friends and evading zombies by imitating them which was the funniest scene in the movie. They finally succeed in entering Winchester but things do not end up completely in their favour.

Most of them who took refuge die in Winchester, as many zombies succeed in invading it. Only Shaun and Liz survive at last. Six months later, civilization returns to normal, and surviving zombies are used as cheap labour and entertainment. Liz moves in with Shaun and Shaun keeps the zombified Ed tethered in his backyard shed, where they play video games together which was again quite a hilarious thing to watch. I would like to share this movie with my friends as having a good laugh is beneficial and watching a movie with a good storyline is appreciated by all.

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