Describe a piece of international news that you have recently heard | IELTS Speaking Cue Card January to April 2021

by Ielts Team

Describe a piece of international news that you have recently heard
– What the news was about
– Where and when you heard it
– What you were doing when you heard it
– Explain how you feel about this news


Well, the news is the source of providing information and updates from all around the world. Since childhood, my father has made me understood the importance of reading newspaper as he is an ardent reader of a newspaper. However, due to my disinterest, I used to skip keeping myself update on news. But today I would like to share a piece of international news that I heard recently which changed my whole outlook on the significance of the news. In the late 2019s, I was on my internship when a fellow colleague forwarded me a news article on Whatsapp. The headline caught my attention and I immediately read through the whole article. It was the press release on the outbreak of Coronavirus in China.

The article stated that the first case of this virus was reported in Wuhan, China. The virus is known to be contagious and has flu-like symptoms.  The article declared the disease as a pandemic and almost every country around the world was supposed to get affected by the same. This news was quite worrisome and I started to keep a track of the updates on this news. And in the initial months of the year 2020, the virus started to affect my country too and the nation went into lockdown. I became terrified with the whole situation as all the nations went into complete shutting off the businesses, schools, universities and what not.

Even the tourism and hospitality industry suffered a setback. The situation was getting out of the hands of the government as the virus was unable to be treated with any sort of medicine. The health experts went to researching the vaccination for the same, however, it took almost a year to bring the unprecedented death rate caused due to the virus under control. Recently, I came across an update on the news that the vaccine to curb coronavirus has been invented. I was relieved to hear this update as the world could now go back to being normal again. The countries have started treating the patients with the vaccination and efforts have been made to prevent any further spread.

I have learnt that listening to news can surely widen our knowledge about the happenings of the surroundings and can also impart information on how to be safe. So this was the recent international news that I heard which turned me into a sincere newsreader.

Read Sample Answers of IELTS speaking Cue Cards January to April 2021 Topics
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