Describe a time when you tried to do something but weren’t very successful | IELTS speaking cue cards September to December 2021

by Ielts Team

Here is an IELTS speaking topic from September 2021 to December 2021 Cue Cards with Sample Answer and Follow up questions. We hope you would like this Ielts speaking cue card topic with answers

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card

Describe a time when you tried to do something but
weren’t very successful.
You should say
– When it was
– What you tried
– Why it was not very successful
– And how you felt about it

  • Well, I love trying new things to get new experiences.
  • Sometimes, I’m able to complete a new task but sometimes, don’t.
  • Here I would like to talk about a time when I tried to bake a cake at home.
  • What happened exactly, last month, it was Sunday and I was getting bored at home.
  • I was scrolling through the YouTube videos when I came across a cooking video of one of the famous chefs.
  • In this video, he taught how to bake a chocolate cake.
  • After watching the video, I decided to give it a try.
  • First of all, I went to the market to buy all the ingredients required for this cake such as chocolate, curd, baking powder and butter etc.
  • Then, I started following the steps explained in the video.
  • I also took the help of my younger sister to stir all the ingredients.
  • After mixing sugar and plain curd, I put some baking powder into it.
  • Then I put all-purpose flour in this mixture and stir it well.
  • Finally, I transferred the mixture into the cake tray and baked it for 40 minutes as mentioned in the video.
  • After baking, I decorated the cake with Choco chips, cream and sprinkles.
  • When I served the cake, it was looking delicious.
  • However, when I took the first bite, I realized that the cake bun was not that much fluffy.
  • I immediately opened the video and carefully checked the steps and list of the ingredients.
  • There I got to know that the quantity of baking soda used by me was less than the actual quantity needed.
  • I was feeling a bit embarrassed in front of my family.
  • But my family appreciated my efforts and encouraged me to try again next week.
  • Although I was a bit disappointed, this experience gave me a new level of confidence to try something new.


Came across (Phrasal Verb): to find something

Give something a try (Idiom): to try something

Ingredient (Noun): a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a particular dish Stir (Verb): to mix a liquid or other substance by moving an object such as a spoon in a circular pattern

All-purpose flour (Verb): flour that contains no chemical to make cakes rise

Delicious (Adjective): very tasty

Appreciate (Verb): to recognize how good someone or something

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