Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media | IELTS speaking cue cards May to August 2021

by Ielts Team

Here is an IELTS speaking topic from May 2021 to August 2021 Cue Cards with Sample Answer and Follow up questions. We hope you would like this Ielts speaking cue card topic with answers

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card

Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media
– When it was
– Where you saw it
– What you saw
– And explain why you think it was interesting

Nowadays, social media has become an integral part of everybody’s day-to-day life.
Having said that, social media can have positive as well as negative effect on a person’s life.
Using too much social media can actually make us addicted to the virtual world while forgetting all about the real world.
On the contrary, making good use of it can help us connect with a lot of new and amazing people and learn productive things.
Anyway, a couple of months ago, in January, I had taken a break from my hectic work schedule and was relaxing at home with my family and friends.
That’s when I decided to brush up my old talent in art and crafts.
As I use Facebook a lot, I started browsing through it to know more about some ideas and the latest trends.
That’s where I came across a video on acrylic painting.
It was a channel by an Indian artist who makes videos on Facebook.
I saw the video in my sister’s feed as she had shared it on her Facebook page.
She even sent me a link and told me to have a look at it.
As soon as I clicked on the link, a video popped up showcasing various tricks to use while doing acrylic painting for intermediate-level painters.
The artist had used some very easy-to-follow and learn techniques, a peculiar one being the free flow of liquid acrylic colours.
She had used a wide variety of shades and tones ranging from warm to cool colours.
Moreover, as the video was in the tutorial form, it was very easy to understand and follow.
Also, the pace of the video was very apt as I could make an entire artwork while following the video.
The end result was so beautiful that I even uploaded my acrylic canvas painting of a village landscape on my own Facebook Art page.


IELTS Speaking Part 3 :

Follow-up questions of Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media

1. Why do people like to use social media?

I think the main motive is to stay connected with family and friends. Also, social media is a great medium to keep ourselves updated with the latest trends in different professions. They can also help us learn new things and communicate virtually in a better way.

2. What kind of things are popular on social media?

These days, there are many things that go viral on social media and become extremely popular within seconds. Not to forget the obsession that some people have with selfies. Clicking and posting pictures and information about our check-ins and whereabouts are also popular among some people.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?

Well, social media is a very useful tool in ensuring good and positive publicity for a business or start-up. They can help people connect with each other and voice their opinions. On the contrary, this can backfire as many people resort to unnecessary trolling and spread negativity. Also, some people misuse social media to spread fake news as well.

4. What do you think about making friends on social networking sites?

Um, personally, I don’t feel very safe to make friends on social media as the increase in the rate of cyber crimes has become a major issue these days. It’s very easy to fake one’s identity on social media and pretend to be someone else. Not to mention, the hacking that happens of social media accounts is becoming a big danger to society. So, I’d rather make friends in the real world than on social media.

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