Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like | IELTS speaking cue cards September to December 2021

by Ielts Team

Here is an IELTS speaking topic from September 2021 to December 2021 Cue Cards with Sample Answer and Follow up questions. We hope you would like this Ielts speaking cue card topic with answers

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card

Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t
You should say:
When and Where it happened
Who he/she was
Why you didn’t like this person
And explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion.

–  Well, I’m friendly to most of the people around me.

–  However, still there are some people I don’t like because of their rude nature. 

– Here I would like to talk about one of my classmates named Robert whom I did not like during my school time.

– In the 10th standard, there was a science project that students had to complete for the final assessment.

– For that, our science teacher divided the whole class into small groups of 4-5 members.

– I got upset when I got to know that Robert and me were in the same group.

– As it was the teacher’s decision, I could not do anything about it.

 The main reason why I did not like him was his arrogant behaviour. 

Actually, he was from a very rich family and had a superiority complex and because of this, he used to behave very rudely with other classmates.

– But that time, I made my mind to cooperate with him to complete our project successfully.

– In starting, I used to hesitate to talk directly with Robert.

– But after a couple of days, I started feeling comfortable with him and we started working as a team.

– There were some occasions when he was a bit rude but I tolerated and turned my focus to the project.

– However, I must say, there was one thing I really admired about him was his science knowledge and skills.

– At times he solved some critical problems of the project which saved us time. 

– This was the only time when I was friendly with him because this project was really crucial for me to get good marks.

Moreover, I didn’t have any other option so I tried my best to be his teammate on that occasion.

 – To be honest, that was totally a different kind of experience for me which instilled in me the importance of teamwork.


Rude (Adjective): not polite

Arrogant (Adjective): proud in an unpleasant way and behaving as if you are better or more important than other people

Superiority complex (Noun): If you have a superiority complex, you believe that you are better, cleverer than others

Cooperate (Verb): to act or work together for a particular task

Hesitate (Verb): to pause before you do or say something, often because you are uncertain or nervous

Tolerate (Verb): to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own

Turned my focus (Verb): change your attention to something

Admire (Verb): to respect and approve of someone or something

Critical (Adjective): of the greatest importance

Crucial (Adjective): extremely important or necessary

Instill (Verb): to put a feeling, idea, or principle into someone’s mind

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