
Describe an area of science that interests you | IELTS Cue Card 2020

by Ielts Team

Describe an area of science that interests you

You should say

  • What it is
  • How you learned about it
  • Why are you interested in it


Well, being a medical student, I love studying science and find it to be the most interesting subject. I most preferably like Microbiology, Botany, Anatomy and Astronomy but if I have to talk about my favourite one, it is Geology.

Geology is an Earth science concerned with the solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change over time. Geology can also include the study of the solid features of any terrestrial planet or natural satellite such as Mars or the Moon. Modern geology significantly overlaps all other Earth sciences, including hydrology and the atmospheric sciences, and so is treated as one major aspect of integrated Earth system science and planetary science.

I learned about it in grade eleventh and twelfth. Also due to my keen interest in it, I watched many documentaries related to Geology on Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel.

Geology describes the structure of the Earth on and beneath its surface, and the processes that have shaped that structure. It also provides tools to determine the relative and absolute ages of rocks found in a given location, and also to describe the histories of those rocks. By combining these tools, geologists are able to chronicle the geological history of the Earth as a whole, and also to demonstrate the age of the Earth. Geology provides the primary evidence for plate tectonics, the evolutionary history of life, and the Earth’s past climates.

Geology is important for mineral and hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation, evaluating water resources, understanding of natural hazards, the remediation of environmental problems, and providing insights into past climate change.

As I am curious to know more and more about society’s most important problems, such as energy, water, and mineral resources, the environment, climate change and natural hazards like landslides, volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods so I uptook Geology in detail by making many personal efforts. There is currently a shortage of well-trained geoscientists and the demand is growing so I aspire to become one, someday soon.

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