fit and active

Follow up questions on energetic person | IELTS speaking part 3 questions

by Ielts Team

Follow up questions on energetic person

  1. What kind of jobs need a lot of physical activity?

I think all blue-collar jobs need a lot of physical activity such as labour jobs at construction sites, watchmen, gardeners, security guards. Job of Gym trainers, athletes, dancers and policemen is also physically demanding.

  1. What’s the difference between payment for physical work and payment for mental work?

In most of the nations people doing mental work are paid more than the ones doing physical work. It is seen that smart work is often well- paid and valued more than the hard work.

  1. Can physical workers have higher salaries in the future?

I believe they should be given higher and improved daily wages as they work extremely hard and feel tired and exhausted at the end of the day which should be valued.

  1. Do you think machines could replace manual labor in the future?

Yes, it already has replaced manual labour in my many factories and production units such as a single CNC machine does the work of numerous workers in a comparatively shorter span of time and that too with more efficiency. Human workforce has been replaced by automation and will continue to.

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