Follow up questions on Meet a friend

Follow up questions on Meet a friend | IELTS speaking part 3 questions

by Ielts Team

Follow up questions of cue card:  Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend

  1. Why do friends meet up?

Friends meet to spend some quality time together, to refresh some memories, to celebrate some special occasions like birthdays or to enjoy each other’s company by going out for movies, eating out or shopping.

  1. Are there any meetings that people need to plan in advance?

Yes, there are many meetings that people need to plan in advance such as doctor’s appointments, job interviews, business meetings and political meetings. People need to plan these in advance so that they make efficient use of meeting time and to make sure that all people who take part in meetings are free at a common time.

  1. Are there any jobs related to unexpected things?

Yes , there are certain jobs related to unexpected things such as surprise party planners, the job of scientists , researchers and also the job of surgeons is a little uncertain.

  1. Do unexpected things lead to progress in our society?

Yes, ofcourse , people like scientists and researchers work for making new discoveries of medicines and do other useful research for the betterment of the country such as making missiles  . Trying to explore or discover unexpected things can only lead to advent of new and beneficial things.

Click here to read Cue Card

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