Many doctors say that people in today’s world do not do enough physical exercise. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions are there to this problem?

by Ielts Team

Many doctors say that people in today’s world do not do enough physical exercise. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions are there to this problem?

It is the tendency of human nature that it already knows the right things for health to do but hardly pays attention to them. This is the reason that most of the people in the world have unhealthy lifestyles which ultimately reflect on their health through various ailments. This essay discusses the causes of this situation with the possible solutions.

There are a myriad of reasons why people around the world do not have a physically active life. Primarily, everyone is over-occupied in his/her life whether it is personal or professional due to which s/he has no time to follow the fitness regime. Moreover, due to the digital revolution, computers or mobile phones have taken up most of human tasks which have made our life sedentary. Furthermore, machines such as washing machines, dishwashers, and motor vehicles have minimized the manual contribution in day-to-day house-related chores.

As ignorance is not the only solution to any problem, therefore some notable efforts are required from the individual’s end. Most importantly, work-life balance should be attained by people so that some time is devoted to exercise every day. Secondly, prolonged sitting on digitals or television should be avoided. Besides this, more outdoor activities should be encouraged among people. Moreover, ingrained habits such as lethargy, procrastination, and unwillingness are a great hindrance in the way towards a healthy lifestyle. So, these habits need to be broken.

Although technological advancements have significantly reduced the physical activities of humans, however, I believe that staying fit and fine is an individual’s own choice. Therefore, self-discipline is the only solution when it comes to a healthy lifestyle.

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