crime rate among teenagers

Nowadays the crime rate is increasing, especially among teenagers. What are the reasons behind it? How can we reverse this trend? What punishment methods should be used, in your opinion?

by Ielts Team

Nowadays the crime rate is increasing, especially among teenagers.

What are the reasons behind it?

How can we reverse this trend?

What punishment methods should be used, in your opinion?

Nowadays different types of crimes are mushrooming in society at an alarming rate. Juvenile Delinquency is becoming a serious cause of concern all around the world. This essay will enunciate the causes behind this dire jeopardy and will also suggest some effective solutions for the same.

To begin with, poverty and unemployment are two major factors responsible for the surge in criminal activities involving minors as poor parents are unable to provide education to their children. Moreover, unemployment forces people to run their household by hook or crook. Furthermore, homelessness also makes the youngsters live on streets where they are exposed to different anti-social elements. Sometimes striplings watch some misleading and violent television shows which put a detrimental impact on their immature minds and they become encouraged to imitate what they watch. Also bad company during school or college may push them into the quagmire of drug addiction and other kinds of criminal offences. Domestic violence, family conflicts, social neglect and poor parental supervision as well as communication are some other elements that lead to this serious problem.

As every lock has a key, laws must be enforced with scrutiny so that there are no loopholes in penalising the culprits. Also corruption should be eradicated so that no one can get away by bribing the police officials or judges. Markets that deal in stolen goods should be targeted and eliminated. Moreover ,youth awareness programs must be organised to create consciousness among the young generation. Also there should be no availability of drugs or access to pornography and misinforming hostile T.V. shows. Delinquents must be sent to rehabilitation centres rather than prisons that can help in their character makeover, also they can be given proper counselling and kept under supervision over there. However, the ones who commit heinous crimes like rapes or murders must be sentenced without delay so that society may get a lesson from it.

To sum up, the burgeoning number of teenage crimes can be controlled by ensuring right to education for all, also creating more employment opportunities can help fulfill financial needs of youngsters by right means . Young generation is the nation builder hence it should be taken care of and ought to be kept on the right path.

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