Online education and training are becoming increasingly popular in the business world.

by Ielts Team

Online education and training are becoming increasingly popular in the business world.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?


Due to rapid technological advancement in the last few decades, e-education has become a norm in the corporate world. Businesses have taken full advantage of this advancement for training their employees about the latest trends and techniques in the work. This essay addresses both the advantages and disadvantages of this development.

Distance education is not less than a boon especially for the big corporations who have their working sites in different regions of the world. In this case, it is a herculean task for them to guide the employees at all the locations with the traditional methods of teaching. Therefore, just one webinar for all is a much more convenient option. This saves an ample amount of time and cost required for arranging different coaches at different locations and further saves the expenses of their travel, as well as, accommodation. Moreover, e-learning has minimized the need for expensive infrastructure in the premises to teach.

On the other front, if online training is compared with traditional methods of training, there is always a fine line between the two. When training programs are conducted ‘in-person’, trainees receive the advantage of well-built conference rooms and a conducive environment to comprehend the course. Also, personal interactions rather than virtual ones leave a long-lasting impression on the mind. Moreover, technical glitches are a common affair in the live web-based programs which cause interruptions in the delivery of classes. Most importantly, it is believed among the masses and classes that face-to-face learning encourages and emboldens the learners to perform well in their field, while e-learning is not more than just a facility.

No matter, online training is a breakthrough in the business world however, the impact of classroom training has always the edge over e-trainings, as far as better progress of the business is concerned.

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