old friend

Some people say that a person’s success is as a result of the way he has been brought up by his parents. Do you agree or disagree?

by Ielts Team

Some people say that a person’s success is as a result of the way he has been brought up by his parents. Do you agree or disagree?


Success of an individual in any endeavor of life depends on many factors and parents play an important role as stated by many theorists. I partially agree with the statement and believe that though parents are irreplaceable, however, self-consciousness also plays a major role in determining one’s successful ventures in life.

Father and mother are two people who possess the capability of molding the child for a better future, irrespective of their own circumstances. This can be achieved only through constant dedication and proper recognition of the potential of a child. Motivating a child and trying to bring out the best in him helps to develop high self esteem and a confident personality, which further paves way for facing failures with grit and accepting challenges with enthusiasm. For instance, I have been able to handle many challenges in life because of the teaching imparted by my elderly. However, it is also true that many people have succeeded by merely relying on their self-consciousness.

Being self-reliant and learning from mistakes has often helped many, even though they have been orphaned since birth. Awareness of the surroundings and going by the gut feeling can help connect with the inner self. This further can help make sane decisions in the long run. Reading books have found to be the ultimate guide in the absence of any parental help. George Washington Carver is the best example of being a legend without any parental help. Born an orphan, his chances of survival were nil, yet he taught himself to study and became the greatest scientist and inventor of the 19th century.

Thus, to conclude, parents are necessary to make it big in life, however, even in the absence, it is still possible by listening to your inner calling and reading books of intellectuality.

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