Studies have suggested that nowadays children watch much more television than they did in the past and spend less time on active or creative things. What are the reasons and what measures should be taken to encourage children to spend more time on active or creative things?

by Ielts Team

Studies have suggested that nowadays children watch much more television than they did in the past and spend less time on active or creative things. What are the reasons and what measures should be taken to encourage children to spend more time on active or creative things?


There has been a worrying trend that children watch an excessive amount of television and do not engage much in active or creative activities. This trend can be ascribed to a number of reasons and it must be addressed by definite actions.

Reasons for the trend vary. The primary reason is that children’s television programs are being broadcast all day with addictive contents, such as vivid and colourful animations. Cartoon Network and Disney Channel with their all-day-long series of animation shows are an evident example of this. Another clear reason is that parents nowadays are busy with their work, so they want children to focus on an activity that does not require much of their attention such as watching television. These two reasons make children spend more time in front of the television screen; this sedentary lifestyle prevents them from participating in active or creative activities.

A number of strong measures must be implemented to tackle the issue. The first solution is limiting the amount of time that a child can watch television. This could be done by activating the parental control mode and setting a fixed operating time limit on their television set. Another feasible solution is that parents must spend more time with their children and together they could engage in outdoor or creative activities. For example, parents could form a family sport team that practices on a regular basis, which may appeal to children more than television.

To conclude, there are obvious reasons why children watch too much television and spend little time on active and creative activities. This negative trend could be tackled by a number of remedies, such as activating the parental control mode on television sets.

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