1. To determine the thermal conductivity of a metallic rod.
2. To determine the thermal conductivity of an insulating power.
3. To determine the thermal conductivity of a solid by the guarded hot plate method.
4. To find the effectiveness of a pin fin in a rectangular duct natural convective condition and
plot temperature distribution along its length.
5. To find the effectiveness of a pin fin in a rectangular duct under forced convective and plot
temperature distribution along its length.
6. To determine the surface heat transfer coefficient for a heated vertical tube under natural
convection and plot the variation of local heat transfer coefficient along the length of the
tube. Also compare the results with those of the correlation.
7. To determine average heat transfer coefficient for a externally heated horizontal pipe under
forced convection & plot Reynolds and Nusselt numbers along the length of pipe. Also
compare the results with those of the correlations.
8. To measure the emmisivity of the gray body (plate) at different temperature and plot the
variation of emmisivity with surface temperature.
9. To find overall heat transfer coefficient and effectiveness of a heat exchange under parallel
and counter flow conditions. Also plot the temperature distribution in both the cases along
the length of heat of heat exchanger.
10. To verify the Stefen-Boltzmann constant for thermal radiation.
11. To demonstrate the super thermal conducting heat pipe and compare its working with that of
the best conductor i.e. copper pipe. Also plot temperature variation along the length with
time or three pipes.
12. To study the two phases heat transfer unit.
13. To determine the water side overall heat transfer coefficient on a cross-flow heat exchanger.
14. Design of Heat exchanger using CAD and verification using thermal analysis package eg. IDeas