1. Introduction to Microwaves
Introduction to microwaves and its applications, Classification on the basis of its
frequency bands (HF, VHF, UHF, L, S, C, X, KU, KA, mm, SUB, mm)
(02 hrs)
2. Wave guides
Rectangular and circular wave guides and their applications. Mode of wave
guide; Propagation constant of a rectangular wave guide, cut off wavelength,
guide wavelength and their relationship with free space wavelength (no
mathematical derivation). Impossibility of TEM mode in a wave guide.
(06 hrs)
3. Microwave Components
Constructional features, characteristics and application of tees, bends, matched
termination, twists, detector, mount, slotted section, directional coupler, fixed
and variable attenuator, isolator, circulator and duplex, coaxial to wave guide
(08 hrs)
4. Microwave Devices
Basic concepts of thermionic emission and vacuum tubes, Effects of inter- electrode capacitance, Lead Inductance and Transit time on the high frequency
performance of conventional vacuum tubes, and steps to extend their high
frequency operations.
Construction, characteristics, operating principles and typical applications of the
following devices (No mathematical treatment)
- Multi cavity klystron
- Reflex klystron
- Multi-cavity magnetron
- Traveling wave tube
(10 hrs)
- Gunn diode and
- Impatt diode
5. Microwave antennas
Structure characteristics and typical applications of Horn and Dish antennas
(04 hrs)
6. Microwave Communication systems
a) Block diagram and working principles of microwave communication link.
b) Troposcatter Communication: Troposphere and its properties,
Tropospheric duct formation and propagation, troposcatter propagation.
(08 hrs)
7. Radar Systems Introduction to radar, its various applications, radar range equation (no
derivation) and its applications. Block diagram and operating principles of basic pulse radar. Concepts of
ambiguous range, radar area of cross-section and its dependence on
frequency. Block diagram and operating principles of CW (Doppler) and FMCW radars,
and their applications. Block diagram and operating principles of MTI radar. Radar display- PPI
(08 hrs)
8. Introduction to VSAT transponders multiple access techniques, VSAT and its