1. Repair, Servicing and Maintenance Concepts
Introduction, Modern electronic equipment, Mean time between failures (MTBF), Mean time to
repair (MTR), Maintenance policy, potential problems, preventive maintenance, corrective
a) Study of basic procedure of service and maintenance
b) Circuit tracing techniques
c) Concepts of shielding, grounding and power supply considerations in instruments.
2. Fundamental Trouble Shooting Procedures
I) Fault location
ii) Fault finding aids
- Service manuals
- Test and measuring instruments
- Special tools
iii) Trouble Shooting Techniques
- Functional Areas Approach
- Split half method
- Divergent, convergent and feedback path circuit analysis
- Measurement techniques
3. Mobile Phones
- Identification of various parts of mobile phones
- Repair and maintenance of mobile phones
- Software installation in mobile phones
- Common faults
4 Trouble shooting and maintenance of testing equipment like C.R.O , function generator, power
supplies and other measuring devices, detailed discussion about trouble shooting of medical,
electronic equipment like, ECG, EEG, Ultra sound. Repair and maintenance and exposure of
medical electronics equipment through industrial visits.
5. Troubleshooting Digital Systems
Typical faults in digital circuits. Use of logic clip, logic pulsar, IC tester
6 Demonstration and practicals to be performed on following groups of Electronic equipment,
with compulsory visit to low service centre.