Previous year question paper for OFC (Diploma Electronics and Communication Engineering 5th)

Optical Fiber Communication

Previous year question paper with solutions for Optical Fiber Communication from 2014 to 2018

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Optical Fiber Communication from 2014 to 2018. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our OFC question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

1. Introduction

Historical perspective, basic communication systems, optical frequency range,

advantages of optical fibre communication, application of fibre optic communication

Electromagnetic spectrum used Advantages and disadvantages of optical


Principle of light penetration, reflection, critical angle.

(08 hrs)

2. Optical Fibers and Cables

Fiber types construction, multimedia and monomode fibers, step index and graded

index fibers, acceptance angle and acceptance types of optical fiber cables.

(08 hrs)

3. Losses in optical fiber cable:

a) Absorption Losses, Scattering Losses, Radiation losses, Compelling losses,

Bending loses.

b) Dispersion, Material dispersion, wave guide dispersion, modal dispersion total

dispersion and bit rate.

(08 hrs)

4. Light sources and Detectors

a) Characteristics of light source used in optical communication, principle of

operation of LED, different type of LED structures used and their brief description,

LED driving circuitry, Injection Laser diode, principle of operation, different

injection laser diodes, comparison of LED and ILD, non semiconductor laser.

b) Characteristics of photo detectors used in optical communication; PIN diode and

avalanche photo diode (APD), their brief description.

(08 hrs)

5. Connectors, Splicing and coupling

Fiber alignment and joint losses, splicing, types of splices, types of connectors used,

couplers, three and four port coupler, stare coupler, fiber optic switch.

(08 hrs)

6. Optical Fiber System
