Introduction: Definition, principles of surveying, different types of surveys, topographical map,
scale of map.
Chain and Compass Surveying: Measurement of distances with chain and tape, direct &
indirect ranging, offsets, bearing and its measurement with prismatic compass, calculation of
angles from bearings.
Plane Table Surveying: Setting up the plane table and methods of plane tabling.
Levelling & Contouring: Setting up a dumpy level, booking and reducing the levels by rise &
fall method and height of instrument method, correction due to curvature and refraction,
characteristics of contours, methods of contouring, uses of contour maps.
Theodolite Traversing: Temporary and permanent adjustments, measurement of horizontal and
vertical angles, adjustment of closing error by Bowditch & Transit rules.
Tachometry: Definition, determination of tachometer constants and reduced level from
tachometric observations.
Triangulation: Selection of stations and base line, corrections for base line, satellite station and
reduction to centre.
Curves: Elements of a simple curve, different methods of setting out of simple circular curve