Unit I (12 Hrs.)
Basic parts of speech: Noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, idioms, one word
substitution. Tenses: introduction, uses of present, past and future tense, Use of prepositions conjunctions and
interjections. Use of punctuations.
Unit II (12 Hrs.)
Secondary memory. Storage Media. Introduction to Windows Operating System: All Directory
Sentences: simple compound and complex formation, transformation of sentence: active and passive,
affirmative and negative interrogative and assertive, degree of comparison, conversation ,Direct and indirect
speech. Correct word usage – Homonyms, antonyms and synonyms.
Unit III (12 Hrs.)
Business Communication – its meaning & importance. Barriers to effective Communication. Types of
communication – Verbal communication and non- verbal Communication Basic Model of Communication:
History of communication theory, Shannon and Waver‟s model of communication, encoding and decoding,
feedback, noise. Essentials of effective business communication – 7 C‟s of communication.
Unit IV (12 Hrs.)
Business letter writing: need, functions and kinds, layout of letter writing, types of letter writing: persuasive
letters, request letters, sales letters, complaints and adjustments; departmental communication: meaning, need
and types: interview letters, promotion. letters, resignation letters, newsletters, circulars, agenda, notice, office
memorandums, office orders, press release, job application, leave application. Business etiquettes: Email and net
etiquettes, etiquette of the written word, etiquettes on the telephone, handling business meetings.
Importance of non-verbal communication – positive gestures, symbols and signs, physical appearance & the
art of self-presentation & conduct. Review/summarizing of newspaper articles, features etc, on the spot writing
of dialogues/ conversation building.