Structure of Indian Economy: Features & evaluation of capitalism and socialism. Nature of
Indian Economy, occupational distribution of labour force; Poverty and Income distribution
in India, Problems of unemployment and Rising prices. Parallel economy in India. Human
Resources: Demographic features of Indian population, size and growth of population and
economic development. Problem of over population, Population policy in India.
Economic Planning: Importance of planning for Economic development. Salient features of
India’s five years plans priorities-target achievements, failure, factors affecting successful
implementations of plans. Industries: Growth and problems of major industries-Iron and
Steel, Cotton Textiles, Cement, Sugar and Petroleum. Industrial policy. Cottage and small
scale industries; Public sector in India. Disinvestment and Divestment of public sector
undertakings in India. Current Industrial Policy.
Basic Issues in Agriculture: Role, nature and cropping pattern; Trends in agricultural
production and productivity; Factors determining productivity; Agricultural finance and
Agricultural price policy. Rural indebtedness. Techniques and Methods of irrigation in India.
Role of NABARD in rural development in India. Indian Public Finance: Indian Finance
System. Taxation structure, mobilization of resources for development, Taxation and fiscal
External Sector: India's foreign trade- features, composition and direction; India's balance of
payments problem; Indian trade policy; foreign capital, foreign aid, multinational
corporations (MNCs); FERA and FEMA. Forex Market: Methods of measuring exchange
rate. Determinants of exchange rate. Currency depreciation and devaluation. Nature of Indian
forex market.