Operations Research: Nature, Scope, Methodology of operations research and role in
managerial decision making. Linear Programming: Formulation of problem and its solution
by Graphical and Simplex methods, Duality.
Transportation Problems: Formulation, Optimal solution, Unbalanced Transportation
problem, Degeneracy. Assignment Problems: Formulation, Optimal solution, Variants of
Assignment Problems, Travelling Salesman problems
Game Theory: Games with pure and mixed strategies, Saddle Point, Odds method, Principle
of dominance, Sub Games method, Equal gains method and LPP- Graphic Method
Sequencing Problems: Processing n jobs through two machines, Processing in jobs through
three machines.
Inventory Models – EOQ Models, Quantity Discount Models, Purchase inventory models
with One Price Break (Single Discount) and Multiple Discount breaks. Network Analysis:
PERT and CPM Model, difference between PERT and CPM, Computation of Critical Path,
Slack, Floats and Probability of project completion by a target date.